We have number of companies which invest in energy engnieering. Contra offer energy services related to electormechincal services and renewable energy solutions, with an aim to reduce the associated operational expenses and energy bills of buildings, in specific HVAC and elecritcity consumption. Our main focus is GCC, with expectional cases worldwide, we provide our clients in implemanting the full solution. We handle the design, sourcing, installation, as well as measurement and verification of all energy efficient retrofit improvements. We also provide funding solutions and advisory assessments of a buildings energy efficiency. Our track record contains a number of projects fully implemented and operated in the UAE and Saudi Arabia, with a vision to expand this further in the nighbouring countries and worldwide.
We have main strategic stakes in three companies with headquarters in Europe...
Learn MoreWe have a range of companies which focus on providing security solutions...
Learn MoreWe have a number of stakes in companies which operate in the construction field...
Learn MoreContra has various stakes in companies which specialize in building maintenance or building services...
Learn MoreWe have investments in the education sector whereby we offer business advice...
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